Monday, December 8, 2014

Taking care of her hair for stimulating

Know first that the aspect "length" of a hair is inseparable from the large , silky and shiny hair. But how to grow hair faster when they are constantly weakened by our daily , weather , unhealthy diets , products that we use and pollution ? To promote good hair growth, it is necessary to take care of . Here are some tips :

1. First , take care of your diet. Some foods are recommended to promote hair growth . Emphasize and fatty fish or tuna. Think of vegetable oils , nuts but also cereals.

2. Look for shampoos suitable for your hair type (dry, oily , colored , etc.) absolutely and alternate with mild shampoos .

3. Once a week , do not overlook a nourishing mask for dry ends because beautiful long hair should be treated on the length !

4. Think of nutritional supplements. The ideal is to maintain his hair to make cures three months with each change of season. Use of calcium , iron, magnesium and minerals that nourish the hair. Seek medical advice before starting a cure.

Attention to accelerating the growth shampoos
Beware shampoos "miraculous" that offer to win five inches in three weeks. For what components are used for such a result ? These shampoos , lotions and other magical textures generally have a drying effect and devitalizing .


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